Go green by recycling Congress
You won’t usually hear me saying “Go green,” but I think it is time to recycle … Congress! We need legislators who will secure our borders, make English our national language, mandate quarterly drug tests for everyone on welfare and food stamp programs, balance the budget by cutting spending, reserve freebies (education, health care, welfare, food stamps, etc.) for American citizens only, repeal the obscene health care bill, end the birthright provision that allows illegals to give birth to automatic American citizens, end congressional pensions for legislators with only one term of service, require proof of American birth for all presidential nominees and adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
I am tired of electing representatives who quickly become part of the existing system that buys votes by selective redistribution of taxpayer money. Our country was based on limited — very limited — federal government powers. In most matters not involving national security, the states and the people were to have maximum responsibility and power. That has now been turned upside down.
The federal government is controlling our toilets and our light bulbs, and is starting on our health care. Meanwhile, it is neglecting its national security responsibility (securing our borders), and even suing a state for trying to do so.
Let’s take the power back. Recycle Congress. Every election, throw out every member who does not work toward limiting the federal government to Constitutional principles. Accept no excuses.
Carbon dioxide is necessary for life on Earth
Liberals and environmentalists are proving that they don’t care one bit about global warming, greenhouse gases or saving the environment. All they really want is bring the downfall of big bad oil. How, you ask? By pushing compressed natural gas, or CNG, as an alternative.
Sure, burning CNG produces none of the carbon monoxide, soot, smog, etc that burning gasoline does, yet it still produces the one and only greenhouse gas which is supposedly causing global warming: Carbon dioxide. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for switching to CNG. It’s cleaner, cheaper, doesn’t contaminate the Gulf of Mexico when it spills and produces one of the two most important gases essential to the survival of life on this planet: Carbon dioxide.
That’s right. Carbon dioxide is not killing the planet. Plants need it. They breathe it in and exhale oxygen, which all animals need to live. Animals in turn exhale more carbon dioxide. Life on this planet needs carbon dioxide. The environmentalists claim that carbon dioxide is killing the planet, yet they push for switching to CNG, which produces nothing but “planet killing” carbon dioxide. So which is it? Why the double-talk? Because all the left cares about is killing big bad oil. They care nothing for saving the planet.